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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectHe keeps making questionable decisions. There is a difference.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2416556&mesg_id=2416743
2416743, He keeps making questionable decisions. There is a difference.
Posted by Awburn, Fri Jan-30-15 01:24 PM
>And that's the same for any young dude regardless of their
>job. You work in customer service, stop being a no call no
>show. Dont huff an L in the parking lot after work.
>Because that, "Hey baby, I'm young and learning" wears thin on
>everybody in an instant.
>Josh just needs to make better decisions. Because up to this
>point he has a long history of bad ones.

he claims he hadnt smoked since before the draft. the inconsistent drug test results that got him suspended give some reason to believe him. he didnt get high, he was around other dudes who were getting high. questionable decision.

he claims he thought he was in compliance when he drank "after the season" and admits he didnt know what after the season meant. questionable decision.

this is a recent history of taking risks that only look unacceptable to grown men who have lived long enough to know that any questionable decision with that much money on the line needs to be avoided at all costs.