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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectyou want it to be one way © marlo...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2416556&mesg_id=2416713
2416713, you want it to be one way © marlo...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Jan-30-15 12:00 PM
..not really sure what racial double standard you're referring to, but this has nothing to do with race.

more importantly: why is it so difficult for you to curb the racial slurs and attack/aggressive nature of your replies to people that are merely voicing their opinions?

no one is questioning your intelligence or ability as a writer and no one is asking you to change your opinions. again, just find a more respectful way of voicing your opinion.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...