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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectNah, I'm one of the most beloved people around here
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2416556&mesg_id=2416685
2416685, Nah, I'm one of the most beloved people around here
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-30-15 11:15 AM

My inbox is full of people telling me they sign up to
just to read my posts, that I've gotten them through rough
times, and recently have offers to review rock albums and
write about sports for $$$, all of which I've turned down
to post shit for free for THIS community to share and
experience....all because this is my first digital family, if
there is such a thing

Not asking for thanks, but I'm gonna go ahead and roll with
how I've been, and if I get banned, I'm good with that.

Just another racial double standard that I'm good with

No disrespect, I recognize that you've got a job to do, and
I think you're a good dude, seriously

But ban away, I'm not changing.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "