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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectit was almost literally the exact opposite of a mature response
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2416556&mesg_id=2416663
2416663, it was almost literally the exact opposite of a mature response
Posted by theprofessional, Fri Jan-30-15 10:46 AM
it was a well written response, a thoughtful response, but we're nowhere near mature here. observe.

he doesn't think he has a "problem" (he put it in quotes):

>Respectfully, your worry over my “problems” with
>substance abuse and my twisting descent into darkness and,
>apparently, my impending death, is misplaced

he doesn't think he's an addict:

>like when you publicly called for the Browns cut me so I could learn the
>same lessons you learned — you also stated as fact that
>“we are dealing with addiction here.” Know this: We are
>not dealing with anything, Cris.

he's still qualifying his previously failed alcohol test as a near-miss when, sorry, sir, it was just a fail:

>In connection with the DWI case, the league — in
>consideration of the fact that my blood-alcohol level was just
>.01 over the legal limit — agreed to shorten my
>punishment from four games lost to two.

>That punishment — while harsh, given what my lab results
>clearly showed, including a backup sample that was under the
>league threshold...

he doesn't think he has an issue with alcohol or ever did, and the NFL's hypocrisy is the real issue here:

>Did I think that was excessive given I had never had
>any issue whatsoever with alcohol? Yes. Did I think it was
>hypocritical that a professional league making hundreds of
>millions of dollars off beer sponsorships was telling me not
>to drink? Yes.

i only had two beers, officer:

>I boarded a private flight to Las Vegas with several teammates.
>During the flight, I had two beers and two drinks. It was the
>first time I had consumed so much as a drop of alcohol since
>July 4, 2014, the day of the DWI.

he thinks the media is overblowing the issue of him being suspended three out of his four years in the NFL, including most of the 2014 season and all of 2015:

>I failed the test, obviously, and the rest is history …
>colored by media speculation and faux outrage.

the kill shot. this is literally the opposite of what you'd do in A.A. no owner will sign him until he faces reality about this:

>I am not a drug addict; I am not an alcoholic;
>I am not someone who deserves to be
>dissected and analyzed like some tragic example of everything
>that can possibly go wrong for a professional athlete.

and one more time for good measure, the word "problem" in quotes and "only" 23, as if that's not well into grown man status:

>If I have a “problem,” it is that I am only 23 years
>old — with a lot left to learn.