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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: Josh Gordon kind of ethers...well, everybody
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2416556&mesg_id=2416657
2416657, RE: Josh Gordon kind of ethers...well, everybody
Posted by Dae021, Fri Jan-30-15 10:38 AM
I know we're always trynna ask these kids to be mature grown ups and shit, but dog the Browns season was OVER, why in the fuck can't he have a drink. The fact that the NFL knew he was going to Vegas they were like YEP we catching him. This just seems wrong, the season was over why are they testing for alcohol anyway. Let that dude live.

He's served his time let that dude rock.

I'm also really surprised niggas are in here talking about "oh you got a DUI you've got a problem" damn well knowing that there are TONS of niggas in here who've gotten behind that wheel when they knew they damn well shouldn't have. One DUI does not a problem make, was it a bad decision absolutely, but does dude have alcohol problem? Probably not.

Do ya'll just want him to be a bad guy? He seems like a young kid who's learning as he goes along without a lot of great guidance. We've got to stop trying to hold these KIDS accountable to adult 35 year old standards. I get frustrated too, but they're really young and have to be given the space to make mistakes. The only problem is theirs are magnified.