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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subject****The DAMALI Ultimate Football Pool: Discussion*****
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2359003&mesg_id=2359003
2359003, ****The DAMALI Ultimate Football Pool: Discussion*****
Posted by Damali, Thu Aug-14-14 09:03 AM
Returning on Tuesday Sept 2nd.

Any interest?

Any thoughts on rules changes? speak it now.

as the rules stand now:

-choose 1 team each week, by game time, that you think will survive their game
-no more than 4 people can choose the same team in any given week
-if you survive to the next week, you must choose a different team that will win
-you cannot pick the same team twice throughout the run of the game
-the game keeps going until there is 1 survivor, who will win a $50 e-gift certificate to NFL.com
-if everybody loses, I win :) (cuz i get to keep my money!)

potential variation, if there is interest:

people pay in $1 each to play the game and i add that pot to the $50 i would kick in anyway...but only if everyone is willing to do it. if not, we just stick to the 50

any other suggestions can be discussed, but my decision is final :)
