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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectwhy not?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2357281&mesg_id=2357883
2357883, why not?
Posted by dula dibiasi, Fri Aug-08-14 06:42 AM
>I don't see them being significantly better after
>the 1st year.

next summer they'll have the full MLE, the BAE and 2 first round picks. irving, thompson and waiters haven't entered their primes yet. their head coach is a rookie. their young guys have zero playoff experience. they still need to add a rim protecting center.

the idea that they're a fully formed, they-are-what-they-are team with no room for improvement doesn't make any sense whatsoever. chemistry matters. continuity matters. big-game chops matters. these are things that can only be acquired thru actual experience and playing together.