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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectwhat physical tools? he's 6-3 and not an elite shooter or athlete
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2357281&mesg_id=2357773
2357773, what physical tools? he's 6-3 and not an elite shooter or athlete
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Aug-07-14 05:20 PM

klay, beal and harden got that SG locked...and there are some young beasts coming up at the spot in the next 3 years. Dion not special, dogg. y'all gotta stop building up something that ain't there.

>>this kid will finally get his proper due this season with
>>the national games we're gonna have
>dion obviously has the physical tools to be a top SG in the
>the whole issue was him be subservient to a player he felt
>equal with (kyrie)
>that shit is eliminated now that it's not kyrie team and they
>ALL have to fall in line now.
>if bron likes dude as much as it seems and his game matures
>that's going be a L for some ppl