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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectlol, so this entire time you've been talking about the team on paper
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2357281&mesg_id=2357689
2357689, lol, so this entire time you've been talking about the team on paper
Posted by pretentious username, Thu Aug-07-14 03:39 PM
and people keep saying "well the reality is it's gonna be hard in the first year and then they need to win in the 2nd year." and you won't hear any of it... yet YOU'RE allowed to say basically the same thing?

>Wiggins might have been a better option in the short and long

i don't see how one could argue wiggins is the better option in the short term when he's yet to play ONE game. if they're trying to win in the first 2-3 years this trade absolutely puts them in a better position than they were before.

>People are so enamored with Love, he has zero excuses now.

A) but you aren't, yet you won't just acknowledge them as not the favorites and move on. you just won't rest until you've forced this narrative on everyone.

B) I think you're severely overestimating the Love love (pun intended) on this board. some people hate him, some simply like him/think he's the best or one of the best PFs in the game/puts bron in a better position. this trade has been talked about for a while and not many people have been saying this move guarantees them a title, just puts them closer than they were and makes them one of the top contenders.