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Topic subjecttransition starts on the defense end, I don't see this team having the...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2357281&mesg_id=2357674
2357674, transition starts on the defense end, I don't see this team having the...
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Aug-07-14 03:30 PM
horses to run like D'Antoni's SSOL squads. On the early SSOL you have 4 All-Star caliber players in Nash, Amare, Marion, and JJ plus a deep supporting cast of people like Q-Rich, Barbosa and Jim Jackson. Later renditions were still built around younger guys that could run with Nash.

The supporting cast in Cleveland is going to built around older guys Marion, Ray, Miller and Varejao and I don't see them running like that.