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Topic subjectyea potential for huge L's around this
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2357281&mesg_id=2357669
2357669, yea potential for huge L's around this
Posted by southphillyman, Thu Aug-07-14 03:27 PM

>this kid will finally get his proper due this season with all
>the national games we're gonna have

dion obviously has the physical tools to be a top SG in the league
the whole issue was him be subservient to a player he felt equal with (kyrie)
that shit is eliminated now that it's not kyrie team and they ALL have to fall in line now.
if bron likes dude as much as it seems and his game matures that's going be a L for some ppl