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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectLMMFAO
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2357281&mesg_id=2357501
2357501, LMMFAO
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Aug-07-14 12:07 PM
>he was always open. he said it was possible "later on in his

yeah, he might have said it. none of the LeBronies here actually said it/believed it. Well, except Vex and Vee, who are exempt from the bowl of shit. Go look at his poll/post and see how many votes are for "going back to Cleveland". all that shit leading up to The Letter was basically of the "he's never going back to play for Gilbert" flavor. EVERYONE, not just OKP said it.

>and yes kyrie career trajectory was pure shit before The

nope. even if it wasn't on the Cavs, he would have CP3-ed his way onto another team and been good.

>longo and bags basically made up the "he gone" narrative cause
>it was the ONLY way his career was going be a success at that
>point in time

no, that came from people (fans of big market teams) salivating over his talent and mad that CLE drafted him (or even had the chance to draft him. that's the hidden part of that Derrick Williams is better agenda)

though Longo did want him out of CLE because he's a citizen of LeBronon and (honestly, the way that front office was going with what they had was some shit).

>nigga had ZERO chance of leading a bad team to success as the

we'll never get to see it now. I think that he was going to finally do it after this offseason. but things have changed.

>i have no problem with him being bron's butler. if he fuck up
>in prime time though it's getting examined

lmfao @ Bron's Butler. Dude is gonna be better alongside LeBron than Dwyane Wade ever was. Book it. Bron gonna be "old" before Kyrie will.