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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectyour avi was what it was all about...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2355713&mesg_id=2355920
2355920, your avi was what it was all about...
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Jul-31-14 05:06 PM
this was Mozeliak saying to Matheny..."oh so you can't make up your mind? Don't know who to play in right? Flip flopping these dudes daily even though Craig is struggling mightily? I'll make it easy for you. PLAY THE FUCKING KID EVERYDAY!!" I'm sure Mo really like Craig, but Tavares is HIS GUY. He has put his name behind Tavares big time and Matheny wasn't really playing him. You can't have Tavares up there to not play...you just can't. Mo ran a power move.