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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectDepends on the health of Crisp and Gentry
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2355713&mesg_id=2355784
2355784, Depends on the health of Crisp and Gentry
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jul-31-14 11:54 AM
Crisp's neck is hurt, but they've been resting him and hope to play him for the homestand starting tomorrow. He's get defense and speed, but a noodle arm. Gentry is on the DL with a broken hand, and he gave us both speed and defense; it's why we got him for Michael Choice.

Even without them, we've been kind of defined by a weird outfielder rotation this season. Moss occasionally plays LF, and Stephen Vogt sometimes plays right when we want to use our three catcher offense. The latter doesn't happen as much since Reddick came back from injury.

I don't know, I guess in an ideal world, it goes Reddick in RF, Crisp in center, and some combo of Moss/Fuld in left. Then Vogt or Nate Freiman plays first and Jaso is at the DH.