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Topic subjectMeanwhile, everyone else struck out too.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2210332&mesg_id=2351861
2351861, Meanwhile, everyone else struck out too.
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Jul-16-14 05:17 PM
Every team with space pretty much tried their hand at everyone available.

Brawn went home and nobody but Miami was a player.

Bosh stayed in Miami for more money than he could get elsewhere+more than he’s worth, by a LOT.

Melo stayed home for more money than he could get elsewhere.

Dirk stayed in Dallas, took less, and has a better overall situation than he’d have for the Lakers. Nobody seriously thought Dirk was going anywhere for any reason.

It’s funny that you guys are so intent on pushing this “nobody wants to be a Laker and/or play with Kobe” agenda, considering Dwight+Harden+No state taxes didn’t lure a soul to Houston except for Ariza, and their getting him by overpaying him once again after a contract year.

Not wanting to play for a rebuilding Lakers team and an old Kobe coming off an injury isn’t anywhere near as bad as nobody wanting to play for a contending Rockets team with Dwight, Harden, and (would have) Parsons, and yet you choose to discuss teams forgoing the rebuilding Lakers with the fading star.

Further, Melo, Bosh, Wade, and Dirk ALL stayed put! That means they spurned EVERYONE ELSE. Literally everyone else got told no. Brawn went back to his hometown. That means he literally told everyone else no.
So, please explain why it’s so significant that the Lakers, a team with an overall less attractive set of current circumstances got turned down when everyone else got turned down too?

These are facts.