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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectManagement and Ownership have no clue what they are doing
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2341946&mesg_id=2350439
2350439, Management and Ownership have no clue what they are doing
Posted by Rolo_Tomasi, Mon Jul-14-14 03:40 AM
I get the Nets needed to make an impact when they moved to New York from New Jersey. You can't go into the biggest market in the world which has only ever had one NBA team with a lacklustre product.

I applaud our owner Mikhail Prokhorov for spending hundreds of millions of dollars.


Last year it is stated "we have a two year window to win a championship" we trade three future 1st rousers for Truth, KG, Jet.

12 months later Truth and Jet are gone and KG is a corpse and we are now all about a youth movement - despite the fact we've just traded away three first rounders making it much harder to be about a youth movement!!!!

I realise Billy King has to follow orders but I think he has to be the most incompetent GM in the league now that Khan is no longer working in Minnesota.

He gave away what turned out to be the 6th pick in the draft (Lillard) for Crash Wallace. He then extended Wallace with a four year huge contract with no other team offering competition to sign him.

I think the Joe Jesus trade was great for us - we gave up pure garbage for Joe's toxic contract - but Joe has proved he is the most clutch player in the league and has lived up to the contract. But we didn't need to include the bullshit about swapping first round picks etc... Billy King is always on the wrong side of these types of conditions. No one else wanted to trade with Atlanta for Joe's contract.

We are hugely reliant on two players making huge money who might not be able to stay on the court: D-Will and Brook Lopez. If both are healthy they can win us a lot of games. If not then the next couple of seasons are going to be horrible to endure.

I love our role players: Mirza Teletovic, AK47, Jarrett Jack and how Plumlee can develop after being named in the Rookie 1st team. I'm interested in seeing Bojan and Karasev.

However, we are not athletic. Billy King has a great eye for talent which makes it madness to trade away 1st rounders while hitting the jackpot with second rounders!!!

Everyone is pinning their dreams on Durant choosing their team as a free agent in 2016. Personally, I think he'll stay put with the Thunder with possible opt-outs if the Thunder ownership turn cheap and not willing to pay luxury tax. He might consider the Wizards as they are his home team. KD doesn't need Brooklyn or the Knicks or the Lakers to really be successful.