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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectPeople are so short sighted and what have you done for me lately-ish
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2349552&mesg_id=2349770
2349770, People are so short sighted and what have you done for me lately-ish
Posted by Binlahab, Sat Jul-12-14 07:45 AM
Lemme remind y'all of a few things

1) We have 2 of the best players on the planet and a great complimentary piece in parsons if we match...and if we don't we have a ton of cap room to sign pieces

2) we had our way with San Antonio last season...we just ran into the worst team match up wise and lost by 1 in their bldg...San Antonio breathed a big sigh if relief as they didn't want any of us in the offs...ie we aren't that far off right now as is

3) speaking of San ant...just won their 18 title in 12 yrs. why? Stability. Continuity. Not running out and paying premium dollars for that big name. We got enough big names. We need shooters. We need pass first playmaking pg. We needed Kyle Lowry. We don't need bosh. He'd fit..but it's not a need

We will be ok. Money is still dork Elvis

All is right with the world

does it really matter?

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