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Topic subjectRE: S&T For Who?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2348981&mesg_id=2349349
2349349, RE: S&T For Who?
Posted by RexLongfellow, Fri Jul-11-14 01:59 PM
>>>Huh? It ain't about star players....it's about expiring
>>>contracts, picks, ect...And Chicago has a shit load of
>>>James' move to Cleveland changes EVERYTHING....Feel/knicks
>>>cannot afford to lose Melo for nothing now given what has
>>>The only thing that would stop a S&T is Feel's ego and/or
>>>La wanting to stay in that Apple....
>>Like I said, you think Phil's gonna do a S&T for ANYTHING
>>the Bulls offer up? He's gonna want what he wants. And what
>>wants the Bulls are not gonna give up (most likely Taj)
>Of course he's going to play hard ball with us...We are not
>getting Melo for free...But ONE of the things that Melo made
>known was he would only come to the Bulls if Taj was still on
>the team...
>AND...like I said. James changes everything now. Melo will
>most likely face TWO seasons of not winning a championship if
>he stays with the Knicks. That ain't working in his mind. So,
>if he really wants his money AND wants to win he forces the
>Knicks to make that trade and get some good 1st round picks,
>expiring contracts, money, Jimmy Buckets and our overseas
>kid/best player in Europe(Niko) who was slated to be a top 4
>Lottery pick and keep it moving...Because Feel would be
>committing franchise malpractice if he doesn't get something
>for Melo...
Possibly, but do you think Phil cares about that...he'll want (and demand) what he wants. I don't think he'll want that in a package
Plus, is it really that bad to let him walk for nothing rather than take some "junk" from Chicago just to say he got something in return? I'll plead ignorance on the Euro kid, but we got a rack of wing players, so to add Jimmy Buckets seems redundant. And if Melo goes, your picks are low first round
>>His ego is the prime reason that the reports in NY are that
>>WON'T do a sign and trade. He's gonna demand certain pieces
>>tell the Bulls to kick rocks.
>>The Bulls are stuck...they can either part ways with what
>>wants to get Melo, or hope Melo takes a pay cut. Phil's got
>>the kind of ego that says let Melo walk.
>Bulls are in the cat seat, homie...We good either way. We can
>either go after crazy ass Lance in Indy (they have been in
>contact with his agent. He would be the second ball handler we
>needed deseparately to help Rose), amnesty Boozer and then get
>some more offensive help....

>Or we can deal with Melo for a sign and trade and then make a
>move for Pau (that's the big rumor right now...)
>But yeah...The Bulls have a winning base and in this crazy
>free agent frenzy, all it takes is a couple of moves (and not
>even blockbuster moves) to contend in the weak ass East...
I'm not saying the Bulls are stuck as a franchise. I'm saying in regards to the MELO deal, they can't just offer what they want and make Phil accept. Phil will want what he wants, and it's on Chicago to make that happen

I know the Bulls have a RACK of contingency plans in case this doesn't work out...fuck them though...lol