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Topic subjectJarrett Jack and Sergey Karasev to the Nets
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2341946&mesg_id=2348249
2348249, Jarrett Jack and Sergey Karasev to the Nets
Posted by Rolo_Tomasi, Wed Jul-09-14 06:38 PM
We traded Marcus Thornton to the Celtics

The Cavs traded Jarrett Jack and Sergey Karasev to the Nets.

Cavs free up space for a chance to sing Lebron.

Jarrett Jack is going to be a great back up PG which the Nets desperately needed.

Sergey Karasev is a 20 year old pure shooter from Russia (like our ownership) and has already been to the Olympics as a teenager.

The Nets have some nice youth and around our core of Joe Jesus, D-Will and Brook Lopez we have some nice pieces.

Either you have another year of KG's corpse and Paul Pierce or you try and trade them for something productive.