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Topic subjectHollins confirmed as Nets coach
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2341946&mesg_id=2346074
2346074, Hollins confirmed as Nets coach
Posted by Rolo_Tomasi, Wed Jul-02-14 03:15 PM
I'm glad to hear he is good at developing players because even though Nets are a veteran team are future has to be youth orientated. Plumlee for starters is a 1st team Rookie last year. This year we hope to have Bojan Bogdanovic our Euro stash for the last few years joining the team.

Hollins got canned in Memphis because pretty much all the Grizzlies front office are analytics guys and Hollins isn't too much into that new way of thinking. Hollins wanted a long term extension (which he deserved) and the Grizz decided to go with the lead assistant instead.

>Great at developing players.
>Him getting canned despite success reminds me of the Mark
>Jackson canning by GSW. Don't know exactly what kind of
>'difference in direction' or whatever it was led to these
>terminations, but Hollins sure seemed to be the more bitter of
>the two