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Topic subjectWorld Cup 2014 daily: twiddling thumbs watching tennis
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2344266&mesg_id=2344266
2344266, World Cup 2014 daily: twiddling thumbs watching tennis
Posted by nighttripper, Fri Jun-27-14 01:52 PM
I don't know about you, but I'm experiencing slight withdrawal right now (even if I initially thought that the day off was welcome). let's talk about the games we are looking forward to, the line up we wish to see for our favorite team, and whatever else you can think off...

I'll start

I think I want the Switzerland offensive line up for Les Bleus, i.e. Benzema aka Merco Benz Benz Benz/Giroud (de secours)/Valbuena aka Petit Velo
I keep reading Benzi and Giroud are not compatible, but the last two games they played together have been offensive explosions, with both of them playing magnificent (granted, one of these games was a friendly vs a tired Jamaica, but that still helps confidence)

I might even want to keep Sissoko in there instead of Pogba, with Pogba coming in as a super sub...he's shown some brilliance, but he's been a tad inconsistent, plus I know everybody is going to try to get under his skin to get him to snap. Sissoko is lower ceiling, but you know exactly what you're getting with him, and he's unflappable.

Go with Evra/Varane/Sakho/Debuchy in the back, even though Debuchy/Sagna is a real toss up at this point, with how well Sagna has been playing, even offensively