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Topic subjectYedlin's best as a sub, b/c his athletic advantage is magnified
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2343309&mesg_id=2343595
2343595, Yedlin's best as a sub, b/c his athletic advantage is magnified
Posted by celery77, Thu Jun-26-14 03:01 PM
And it's true Zusi's corners, Ghana aside, have been terrible.

That said, Zusi has 2 assists in key moments and his defensive workrate was great against some of the most dangerous wingers in the world. I dunno if he starts against Belgium, you have to gameplan differently now that it's single elimination, but he did his job and he did it well in helping the US get out of the group.

He wasn't a world-beater, but his effort was still critical in helping the US advance.