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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectBesler is going to get to Europe soon
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2343309&mesg_id=2343540
2343540, Besler is going to get to Europe soon
Posted by sfMatt, Thu Jun-26-14 01:10 PM
He's had an outstanding 3 games.

Omar recovered nicely from shaky moments to begin the game.

Beckerman is doing his job really fucking well, but he's got such a limited ceiling. If you ask him to do anything differently - be more of an attacker namely - he's going to let you down. Not that this is news to you.

So Wahl's assessment aside, to me this story is not as simple as MLS players thriving.

In point of fact Jones and Johnson are probably our two best players right now. And Bradley has been a shell of his former self. I also (like somebody previously posted) don't want to be one of those "Bradley is regressing because of his move to MLS" guys, but there's something to be said about no longer testing yourself regularly against the best of the best in training.

And what's up with Dempsey's touch? He has been far from solid in the possession game, the goal aside.