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Topic subjectAK47 is returning to the Nets
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2342493, AK47 is returning to the Nets
Posted by Rolo_Tomasi, Mon Jun-23-14 06:58 PM
David Aldridge @daldridgetnt · 1h
Andrei Kirilenko opts in with Brooklyn for next season at $3.3M, per source. Second year of two-year deal worth $6.5M.

And strong rumours today that KG is going to pick up his player option of $12 million. He really shouldn't be a starter next season. Limit him to 15 minutes a game, rest him on 2nd night of back-to=backs. Get him to motivate the team and Lopez and Plumlee can learn more from him.

Now Alan Anderson and Shaun "Young God" Livingston need to stay with the Nets this summer and we'll have good depth again next season.

Plus various agents are sending their players to work out for the Nets so chances are we are moving back into the draft. Looking forward to seeing what King can pull off. Someone that can contribute straight away would be awesome.