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Topic subjectif The Jack/Thornton deal happens, I'd assume they know S.Liv is out
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2341946&mesg_id=2342342
2342342, if The Jack/Thornton deal happens, I'd assume they know S.Liv is out
Posted by rjc27, Mon Jun-23-14 10:45 AM
and I can't blame SDot for getting paid but I'll sure miss him... good news is Jack is a great replacement offensively, and will be a better scorer, but Livingston's defense was so good...

Blatche is out, makes me really wish they pulled trigger on Jordan Hill deal...

Sounds like AK and KG are back...

Lopez health obviously the key and try to get Pierce back for 2 more years...

if so you trade out Thornton and Livingston for Jack... which last offseason Net fans would have done in a heartbeat... Also holding out hope they buy into late round 1 and take Mitch McGary