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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectJason Kidd - building on a good foundation
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2341946&mesg_id=2341957
2341957, Jason Kidd - building on a good foundation
Posted by Rolo_Tomasi, Sun Jun-22-14 04:49 AM
I forgot to mention Coach Kidd. He was awful to start last season but after the first couple of months he really got it together.

I sometimes wonder how much he cares and he doesn't sound that passionate when the cameras are on him but i don't know how important his body language is - the players trust him.

We seemed to develop a system towards the end of the season which is vital to build on.

At times the Nets ball movement was beautiful to watch, almost Spurs like - and thats what happens when you have a coach like Kidd who was all about passing.

I want to see large steps of progress made in 2014/15 and i'm confident this will happen. If it does (and if Fisher isn't horrible with the Knicks) then i think we'll see more players go straight into coaching as they retire. Or at least some teams offer retiring players a contract to become head coach.