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Topic subject2014 BK Nets Offseason Post
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2341946, 2014 BK Nets Offseason Post
Posted by SoulHonky, Sat Jun-21-14 09:27 PM
Didn't see an offseason post so might as well make one since they have a lot of question marks.

Blatche opted out.

Livingston is a free agent and the Nets can only offer him 3 years, 10 million. After his play this past season, I could see him getting more than that.

Pierce is a FA. Some talk of him returning to Boston or heading home to LA to join Doc and the Clippers.

And now they are in talks with Cleveland to ship out Marcus Thornton for Jarrett Jack. Good move for them to shore up the backup PG spot in case Livingston bolts and Jack is just better IMO.
Not sure why Cleveland does it unless they are set on moving Dion Waiters. Thornton's kind of a slightly worse version of Dion; I think Jack makes more sense alongside Kyrie even if he wasn't able to duplicate his GSt numbers this past season.