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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThe "can't do it alone" plea is pathetic
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2337328&mesg_id=2339307
2339307, The "can't do it alone" plea is pathetic
Posted by mashpg89, Mon Jun-16-14 11:54 AM

A) He teamed up with two franchise players. When he made that decision he should have known that they wouldn't be able to fill out their roster perfectly, especially after the CBA.

B) The 2013-2014 Miami Heat roster isn't as bad as people are making it out to be. Besides the Big 3, the Heat have Ray Allen, Norris Cole, and Shane Battier. Those three would get playing time on any playoff team, and Allen & Battier are proven winners that excel at their roles. On top of that you have role players like Birdman, Chalmers, and Lewis, who have all stepped up for the Heat in the past.

If Bron has no help it's his own fault for colluding with two expensive all-stars, but truth is the Miami roster was well constructed, but they were outplayed by an actual basketball team that played selflessly together instead of 3 stars subtly fighting over touches and unable to utilize their supporting pieces.