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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectDwight should be shaking Harden like shit right now
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2322522&mesg_id=2323108
2323108, Dwight should be shaking Harden like shit right now
Posted by bshelly, Sat May-03-14 01:12 PM
Dwight was maybe the best player in this series. I don't know how you pick between him, Aldridge, or Lillard. Dwight rebounded and played D like a mug.

Harden shot like shit and continued to play the worst D in the league.

seriously, i think what he needs is some maturity. he's almost not playing defense because, like, i'm a star and i don't need to and can't nobody tell me nuttin (see his recent chewing out of that reporter who dared suggest that he, like, try).