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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectyou really should take that Brigham and Women's job
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2322527&mesg_id=2323033
2323033, you really should take that Brigham and Women's job
Posted by Jon, Sat May-03-14 07:52 AM
Boston has plenty of diversity and most people aren't like that. Like many spots in or near Boston, Brigham & Womens hospital (coincidentally that's where my dad died) is a very cosmopolitan experience. All races and ethnicities from all over the world are there. The vast majority of black people I know in Boston love Boston. I'm including adjacent T-connected cities like Everett, Malden, Medford, Chelsea, Somerville, Cambridge, etc.

Are there racist dickheads in or near Boston? Of course, just like anywhere else, but they're easily outnumbered.

So many people think Boston means they're going to be some isolated minority in a sea of bigoted white people. That shit couldn't be further from the truth.

Take the job. Seriously.

If you're looking to live in a fairly affordable, working-class, very diverse area with shops, transit, ameneties, where people generally get along and crime isn't a big issue, go outside the lines a bit and check out a spot like Everett.

Diversity-wise, in my experience, I really haven't notice much difference between Boston and New York. Boston's just smaller.