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Topic subjectRE: Lin was a monster, HOU was the better team
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2322522&mesg_id=2322944
2322944, RE: Lin was a monster, HOU was the better team
Posted by murph71, Sat May-03-14 12:48 AM
>but here's the thing -- Portland had the better five-man
>unit, and they had the better coach. That was the margin.
>That whole thing about all the leads Houston had, that's about
>the bench. The close margin wins, that's about the starting
>five and the coach.
>So yeah...

It's all about the coach, Cel....That's it...U guys are lucky that McHale was on that bench for that series...

Those are the breaks...Oh yeah...clutch win....