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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI don't know, can they?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2322527&mesg_id=2322634
2322634, I don't know, can they?
Posted by Y2Flound, Fri May-02-14 05:26 PM
Seems kind of hard to enforce for 1. My twitter isn't attached to my name in any way. I suppose if they got the police involved they could find me, but no way if I tweet some racist shit that Mario Lemieux hunts me down through twitter and keeps me out of the arena.

Would they post my tiny avatar up at each door? And if so would there be hundreds because there are probably a hundred racist tweets in Pittsburgh everytime a black player scores against us.

I'm not trying to downplay holding people accountable, but don't really see how a team can hold fans accountable for things they do on the internet outside of arenas that don't break any laws.