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Topic subjectI think some of the adjustments may have come too late for HOU
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2322522&mesg_id=2322526
2322526, I think some of the adjustments may have come too late for HOU
Posted by bentagain, Fri May-02-14 12:27 PM
they let the Beard go lone gunner for those first couple of games

and didn't seem to make much of a defensive adjustment on LA

I like having Asik in the lineup w/D12 for defensive assignments

and last game HOU seemed to make a concerted effort to facilitate the offense via D12 in the post

compared to letting the guards dribble the air out of the ball and jack

but I think it may have come too late, IMO

POR is a problem for years to come

LA, Lillard and Batum are a great young core

@ RipCity, that's a W for POR.