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Topic subjecttotal toss up in game 7 IMO
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2316231&mesg_id=2320925
2320925, total toss up in game 7 IMO
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Apr-29-14 12:48 PM
let's face it, last night's game could have gone either way. i would argue game 4 could have gone either way. certainly that was true of game 3, which the sharks won.

the bottom line is that this is the result that the series was supposed to produce, it just produced it in an unconventional way.

kings have so many money guys in game 7s though. williams, first and foremost, but also doughty, richards and mitchell, obviously kopitar has it cranking right now also. sharks need someone to fire up from their big guns, i am betting it will be that marleau-couture-nieto line that does some damage for them