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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectexactly right. fools think Boozer and Dunleavy are gonna be the difference
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2317869&mesg_id=2318074
2318074, exactly right. fools think Boozer and Dunleavy are gonna be the difference
Posted by temps2020, Wed Apr-23-14 08:40 AM
in a tight game in the 4th they are not gonna be any better at creating their own shots. Who are they taking off the dribble? Maybe try a little Jimmer for a 3 ball for a spark but he's not creating his own shot when things tighten up.

This is a personnel problem. Even so, we didn't hit baskets at the end of the game AGAIN, and blew the 7 point lead we were starting to maintain.

And, we can't get stops down the stretch which should be our thing.