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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectHelp us Augustin, you're our only hope
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2317869&mesg_id=2317922
2317922, Help us Augustin, you're our only hope
Posted by mashpg89, Tue Apr-22-14 09:13 PM
- I'm beginning to buy into that "Bulls have no extra gear for the playoffs" narrative. I thought it was bullshit but the Bulls coming out flat in a must win game is a bad look. We're getting beat to loose balls and have no energy.

- Their frontcourt is making all jumpers, Bulls need to adjust.

- Tony Snell should not get any minutes, I still don't understand why Thibs goes to him. He's a serviceable defender, but we need scoring and he's too passive to score. Should've experimented with Jimmer more over the regular season.

- I'm trying to be positive, but I don't see how a team that's dead last in the league in PPG can win a playoff series. Especially when our trademark defense has not shown up. We have one player on the team who can create his own shot, and he's 5'8. Management has not shown the ability to see the team's glaring weakness over the past 4 years.