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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectyeah, potential reformation of institutional structure is biggest to me
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2310281&mesg_id=2310355
2310355, yeah, potential reformation of institutional structure is biggest to me
Posted by celery77, Wed Mar-26-14 08:04 PM
>- It affects institutions of higher learning: their
>policies (let's see if the lower academic standards stick if
>the athletes aren't generating revenue), which in turns
>the makeup of classes, which affects graduation rates, and
>giving, and fundraising, and research and everything else that

And it isn't just private universities that will be affected by this. The entire way states regulate and fund collegiate institutions could potentially be altered or tweaked by the fallout. Like how much does the publicly funded University of Oregon pay for administering football games? If the athletes become employees, how much other Oregon state laws must then apply? Do they get paid time off? Do they have to watch sexual harassment training videos? What about potential discrimination cases when White Family X feels like their kid isn't getting as many scholarship offers because they read Caste Football too much? Etc. and so on. The legal tail of this is potentially never-ending...