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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectTorn on my thoughts for this one
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2310067&mesg_id=2310168
2310168, Torn on my thoughts for this one
Posted by Y2Flound, Wed Mar-26-14 07:16 AM
I hate the NFL banning stupid shit after stupid shit with no real continuity to it.

You can get up and do a dance after a 4 yard gain, or pretend to climb a tree and read Mad magazine after a sack, but do not use the ball as a prop in a celebration.

At the same time the goalpost dunk specifically was banned due to it delaying several games when they misaligned the posts. That would be like if a player scored and then dug potholes into the mid field marker. Obviously that would never happen, but it would delay the game to be fixed.

Easiest fix to not ban fun would be to say if you mess up the goal posts its a penalty. That would put all the pressure on the player as well to not do something that he has a chance of totally fucking over his team for doing.