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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectSmfh. Resigned to the 4th spot at best, could easily drop to 5th
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2308721&mesg_id=2310105
2310105, Smfh. Resigned to the 4th spot at best, could easily drop to 5th
Posted by LA2Philly, Tue Mar-25-14 04:42 PM
Everton has a game in hand, now only down 6 points, and if we lose to Man City over the weekend w Everton playing Fulham, we're in legitimate jeapordy to not qualify for CL.

Exactly what I was afraid of is coming home to roost: the lack of depth not only leads to injuries because key players accumulate so many minutes but then, to make matters worse, the quality behind those players isn't up to par. Outside of 20 minutes vs Bayern, I haven't been impressed since before the new year....sloppy, sloppy football...costing us huge points man. FA Cup title or not, the gap between us and the title contenders hasn't decreased, arguably it has widened. Same ole shit and it will continue to be so until we get some damn steel on this team...Petit and Viera absolutely drove our title contending teams with not only their ability but with their physicality, attitude, and composure.