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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectWhat I've said for years now: mental midgets on the road vs top 4 teams
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2308721&mesg_id=2309131
2309131, What I've said for years now: mental midgets on the road vs top 4 teams
Posted by LA2Philly, Sat Mar-22-14 11:31 AM
Enough to get it done vs subpar teams but when the rubber really hits the road against better teams on the road, we collapse like paper mâché. You need ultimate composure and execution when shit hits the fan...we don't have it.

Until I see this team handle itself with belief and confidence on the road vs top contenders, I'll know we aren't true title contenders. Mourinho has already instilled that ability into this Chelsea team in year ONE....0-0 at Man U (very early in the season), 1-0 at Man City, 0-0 at Emirates....that's a 5 point differential right there. His formula is so damn effective and logical: Win at home, win on the road vs subpar, get any points you can on the road vs top 4. Liverpool, in Rodger's 2nd year, is already trending toward that as well.