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Topic subjectsad on every level, that he apologized to the Lakers, that the Lakers
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2282689, sad on every level, that he apologized to the Lakers, that the Lakers
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Dec-31-13 01:02 AM
needed an apology, that they accepted it outside Swaggy P, that Swaggy P & Thad Young are the leading scorers in a Sixers/Lakers duel, etc.

It was kinda nasty, he needed to stick the landing rather than going on the 'I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry fellas' Ed Norton-going-back-into-his-stutter-in-'Primal-Fear'-bullshit when he came back to the ground.

Also, I need to examine more closely from another angle but part of the reason it sounded so loud was (in addition to the dead silence of Staples) was it could have been a throw dunk that caught part of that iron in a reverberating spot.

Still, better than any other dunk I've seen by him.