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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectCan Someone Explain Why Evan Turner Shouldn't Have Yammed
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2282473&mesg_id=2282473
2282473, Can Someone Explain Why Evan Turner Shouldn't Have Yammed
Posted by vee-lover, Mon Dec-30-13 01:54 PM
on the Lakers w/only a few seconds to play last night? I wish he woulda did the 'dougie' after he finished...

so he shoulda just laid it up, huh, instead of embarrassing the Lakers? All this faux sports etiquette is becoming too much. Football teams can't continue to score once they're up by a wide margin...baseball players aren't supposed to "show up" the pitcher when they hit a homerun or do a bunt when the pitcher is pitching a no-hitter.

Evan Turner shouldn't apologized to anyone at the end of the game...