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Topic subjectMonday NBA 11.11.13 - Bulls/Cavs with lines
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2260636&mesg_id=2260636
2260636, Monday NBA 11.11.13 - Bulls/Cavs with lines
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Nov-11-13 07:01 PM
Memphis @ Indiana -7
OKP special finals preview

SA-6.5 @ Philly
If the 6ers hang here, they might be alright.

ATL -3 @ charlotte
eh. Id bet on ATL though

Orl @ Bos -3
Good spot to take Orl if Bos is really tanking since they got their 2 Ws last week

Cle @ Chi -7.5
id stay away from betting thisunless u wanna take Cle Moneyline

Tor @ Hou -8
Id bet against rockets and any big line right now. If we lose this clutchfans will be on full meltdown mode

Den -3.5 @ Utah
The Post Javale McGee era begins

Det @ Por -4.5
Interested to see how Det plays in a tough west coast road game

Minn @ Clippers -6
should be a fun game. Nice Blake/Love agenda lite. I think i like Minn and the pts.