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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThe sad part is that it's mostly effort with him. He's never gonna be great
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2259447&mesg_id=2259454
2259454, The sad part is that it's mostly effort with him. He's never gonna be great
Posted by spawn2k, Sat Nov-09-13 03:25 PM
but he could at least get to good. He's gotta realize that as your profile grows you can't get away with bullshit like this anymore. Guys come to town ready to attack you, they're giving you their best effort. You think Reddick wasn't hype coming out in the 1st quarter of that game? or Thabo in the game last year? Come on. All that being said I fully expect him to clean this up within the next 2 seasons either because he's getting fried in the media or a new coach demands it.

Personally I don't think he has enough energy to play offense, defense and chase them H-town strippers. Only has energy for 2/3 and we know which ones he's choosing right now. (Not sure I wouldn't make the same choice either, them H-town strippers man)