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Topic subjectfor two dudes who haven't been to the playoffs
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2258230&mesg_id=2258314
2258314, for two dudes who haven't been to the playoffs
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Nov-07-13 12:42 PM
one who been in the L 4 years and is 23, carries 17, 8, 4 averages. NO PERSONAL ACCOLADES

one who been in the L 3 years and is 21, carries 21,6 and 4 averages. ALL-STAR, ROY, 3 POINT SHOOTOUT CHAMP

dogg, your feelings belong under a space shuttle launch and inside a volcano right now.

edit: forgot that 3 point shootout patch on kyrie's jacket.