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Topic subjectthey gave me a grand
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2248935&mesg_id=2250263
2250263, they gave me a grand
Posted by Tiger Woods, Tue Oct-22-13 03:15 PM
and that was really cool because I was going to Bonnaroo the following week so the timing couldn't have been better. They were also supposed to pay 10k that we were going to split three ways -me getting 6k, and 2 "victims" each splitting 4k - but that was only on the grounds that the show aired. Ours didn't air during the official season so we never saw that dough.

I don't know why I never anything about it. It's actually pretty embarrassing; I was on TV telling people I've pissed on other humans!