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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectApparently all of Chicago is melting down right now, but
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2249640&mesg_id=2249694
2249694, Apparently all of Chicago is melting down right now, but
Posted by select_from_where, Mon Oct-21-13 01:27 PM
But I will say this.

Josh Mccown doesn't need to be a great QB to beat detroit. (cause we not beating green bay)

He doesnt even need to be good

He just needs to be pedestrian.

All dude has to do is move the ball with the tools he has, and go on long, sustained drives and keep the fucking defense off the field.

If we get 36 minute TOS against detroit. i swear to you we can go 3-1 in this four-game stretch.

I know trestman knows it too. hes no dummy.

We shall see.