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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectPatriots fans: Rap to me about why you don't give Ridley the ball
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2249485&mesg_id=2249485
2249485, Patriots fans: Rap to me about why you don't give Ridley the ball
Posted by Deebot, Mon Oct-21-13 01:40 AM
This post is only 20% fantasy football inspired....I'm doing just fine without him but I'm genuinely puzzled. Dude was practically benched for like 2 or 3 straight games for giving up a single fumble. Gets dinged up, comes back with a vengeance and defecates on the Saints in a huge game proving that he's your best back, and yet even with all your injuries he only gets 10-15 total touches every game? They start the Jets game with some damn Boldin? I'm actually a fan of this kid and I think he's getting a raw deal. Does he have personality issues? He seemed to be very respectful, hard-working and well-spoken in interviews after the Saints game.