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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectany of yall watch Bound For Glory? just got back from there
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2235618&mesg_id=2249421
2249421, any of yall watch Bound For Glory? just got back from there
Posted by im_freshhh, Sun Oct-20-13 10:50 PM
i dont really follow TNA but my brother scored us some 7th row tickets so i said fuck it.
pretty decent show overall.
thought it was weird for their biggest show that they did the "sell half the arena" trick though.

-Angle & Roode stole the show. That was a helluva match & the crowd was hot!
-i never saw Sting wrestle in TNA so i dunno if thats how he usually performs, but he should hang it up. his Scorpion Death Lock is atrocious.
-Bully & AJ progressed weird but it was a solid match.
-the knockout match was surprisingly dope. they take bumps like men in there.
-lastly, but certainly not least, as long as i have a face, Brooke will always have a place to sit