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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectTo Gronk...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2248932&mesg_id=2248932
2248932, To Gronk...
Posted by jimaveli, Sun Oct-20-13 11:39 AM
or not to Gronk...in fantasy football?

I'm doing it but I'm lying if I say I ain't scurred. Still though...looking at season debuts/first starts the last few years, there's been a few excellent games. Josh Gordon and Blackmon this year for instance. Joique Bell spelled Regina this year and did well too. Before that...there was Demarco Murray's first real start (2011 - Rams - 250 yards and a TD).

I'm starting him over Frederick Jackson, MJD, and Bowe in a PPR.

So...I ain't sayin, I'm just sayin. And I'll say it up front, showing up after the fact with a 'you shoulda known mane' aligned with whatever the hell happens ain't nuthin.
